Airchat, launched by Naval, is the new product darling. I grabbed an early access invite to dive in and report on the product experience, UI, and long-term product strategy.
Thanks for the kind words! It's a good point re: clubhouse. This definitely feels different from Clubhouse. It's asynchronous, feels more accessible (even if all you do is lurk), more of a social feel to it. Clubhouse definitely fell into multiple traps, including raising way too much money.
I have hopes for this one; I'm definitely enjoying it.
Any chance I could get an invite 🤣
I can try! They limit invites every now and then. Can you DM me your phone number?
Great teardown Alex. Seems like a pretty interesting app.
Thanks Mike!
Nice one mate. I wonder if it's going to end like Clubhouse, but definitely an interesting product.
Keep those products teardown coming, it's great !
Thanks for the kind words! It's a good point re: clubhouse. This definitely feels different from Clubhouse. It's asynchronous, feels more accessible (even if all you do is lurk), more of a social feel to it. Clubhouse definitely fell into multiple traps, including raising way too much money.
I have hopes for this one; I'm definitely enjoying it.